Toss up
In honor of Thursday, lets do a toss up.
(My apologies to Joe for bumping his deep post with this trivial post)
The crew from the OC

or the crew from SBTB

I am too emotionally invested in this one to pick either side.
Because someone had already taken ThinkTank.
I don't really think that there is even a comparison here. SBTB is the winner here. Though I think the true test will be in about 2 or 3 years when the OC is done. Will the networks flood the airwaves with OC reruns as we saw with both 90210 and SBTB, or will it quickly be forgotten similar to Step by Step?
who forgot about step by step?
i have a patrick duffy poster on my wall.
Step by Step was a great sitcom in it's day. Trust me, my whole week revolved around TGIF night. Back to back to back to back great sitcoms. But when it's time was done, well it was done. A truly great show will live on through reruns like a fellow TGIFer, Boy Meets World (classic). Step by Step is the OC, Boy Meets World is SBTB. I also agree with the lesbo approach that utensil is preaching.
All i can think about now when i watch saved by the bell in Jessie in showgirls...holla!!
the oc will conquer all itis an aamazin show n its also incredibally sexy 4 both women n men if it repeated id watch it agen + agen its like the new friends! i think it wont end 4 a long wile cuz a lots happened since lesbionic scenes i think theyll be on 4 a long time because they can go new places new characers! No offense but im 12 years old i live in england and me n all my friends watch the oc n weve never even erd of httml or woteva
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