Red Sox Celebrate: Yankees Show Class

The Red Sox received their World Series rings yesterday and the Yankees took it all in from the third base dugout. They could have went into the clubhouse and ignored the festivities but they gave the Red Sox the respect they deserved in accomplishing this miraculous dream. All week I had been reading articles about how the Yankees were going to turn off all the TV's in the clubhouse in order to get away from the ceremony, not only did they watch the whole thing they did it in person. I also read about how the Red Sox should rub it in the Yankees faces. Why? This was a time of celebration for something most Red Sox fans have never witnessed. It was and rightly so a celebration of winning the World Series, not beating the Yankees. What it all comes down to is America's pastime is the greatest show on earth, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but in the end it is still a game.
Read more here.
i would have thrown baseballs at everyone if i had an arm like that.
Ok, just kidding. I was going to actually post the same thing that Paul did, but he beat me to the punch. Watching the pre-game yesterday I was impressed with the likes of Jeter, Bernie, and Torre. I was taken aback by the respect they showed and might have learning a thing or 2 myself. I have always like Torre who after losing last year said, "There are always 2 sides, I'm glad for Wakefield who can now start game 1." Torre is a class act. I hope the fans on both sides can learn from yesterday. Now directly after that comment I have to say... I still HATE AROD......I just don't like the guy.....
who taught paul how to post pictures
I did.
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