Thursday, April 13, 2006


Usually tax season is a time for refunds, a time for spending, a time for malls. But not this year. For some strange reason I owe the gov't $340... after having full taxes taken out all year. I know it can't be right, but what can I, Peter Chapman, do about it? I'm just one man.

Add onto the federal tax a state vehicle excise tax of $285 and you have one overtaxed individual.

Now my excise tax was so expensive because I have a new car, while one of my roomates has a '90 explorer and has an excise tax of $10. Makes no freaking sense. While his car drips oil all over the streets and wakes neighbors up mine will be cruising along treating the roads nicely and zoom zooming around.

Damn taxes!


At 2:50 PM, Blogger Latimer said...

I know. I filed them today. On the 14th of April.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Tim Chapman said...

That's why you vote Republican...


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