VMA 2006: When MTV Finally Jumped the Shark

Well, being alone on a business trip in Northern Vermont will cause you to do some crazy things. My crazy thing was watching the MTV Video Music Award Red Carpet show for 45 minutes. Talk about crazy. Having not watched MTV in a while, I thought this would be a good opportunity to get caught up on what is cool in music, fashion, culture, and all things liberal.
I think its safe to say MTV has finally jumped the shark.
In case you guys missed it (and I hope you did), here is a play by play:
6:50 - MTV's Sway interviewing Cash Money Billionaires.
Wait a second, these dudes got so rich they exceeded their old titles of Cash Money Millionaires. Unbelievable. The interview consisted of something about "dropping an album" "dirty south has risen" and "damn whitey". Tough couple minutes, I'm not even sure if Sway understood them. Ok lets send it down to John.
6:55 - John Norris interviewing Pharrell
Is there a single more aggravating human on this planet than John Norris. I say no, this guy is so "down with everything". Apparently, hes even down with gangsta rap, even though he's a 43 year old white guy. I feel for Pharrel, talking to this guy is like the equivalent of having Randy Cross and Joe Buck cover your favorite team's game. Painful! After an awkward exchange John sends it way way up to Gideon Gaygo.
6:58 - Gideon Yago interviewing Ok Go???
Immediately following Norris on my list of annoying TV personalities is this guy. Well hes on top of some real tall building in NYC with some band named Ok Go. Having never heard of Ok Go, I immediately judge them as a cookie cutter Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco type. They are even dressed in full suits in true trend rock pop fashion. Apparently they are up for best choreography in a video, in pops a quick snippet of a video, reminiscent of Jamiroquai's Virtual Insanity, except its all four of these guys and they are on treadmills. Ok, kinda cool.
7:01 Commercial time
Phew, that was a tough 11 minutes. It felt like an eternity. I sign onto IM to vent to somebody. Hayes is online, I tell him how lame MTV is, he says "haha, word up"
7:09 Still commercial time... man they get there money's worth
7:11 And were back!
7:12 Su Chin with Cassidy
Uh oh, two chicks, this might lack entertainment value. Knowing nothing about either of these two I hear them out. Its all about fashion, for those that missed it Cassidy was wearing a blumarine dress, jacqueline cote earings, and 7 inch heels. Stunning. Back down to Sway
7:17 Sway with Nick Lachey
I knew this one was coming. I saw the rabid pack of 18 year old girls. Only Nick can draw that crowd, Nick and Matt Headley. Highlight of this interview is Sway asking Nick if its gonna be awkward when he sees Jessica tonight. I didn't catch the response, they flashed a picture of Simpson and I got lost in her eyes.
7:20 Kurt Loder and Su Chin talking about My Chemical Romance being there house band. I love it! Jimmy's hard core alt punk band is headlining MTV's Red Carpet. Ha!
7:28 John Norris interviewing 50 and LL
This is it! Its the last straw! I can't watch it anymore. John Norris is literally screaming like a 12 year old shouting "50 and LL are the Kings of New York"
7:29 I switch to ESPN opening night... college football. I can breathe again.
8:03 Hayes IMs me:
gto898 (8:03:38 PM): JT!!
gto898 (8:03:49 PM): he stole my dance moves