Tank Think has been hurting a bit I must agree, and for this I must take a good amount of the blame, but hey life has been busy lately. Here are some things I think I know.
1. I'm getting old. I realized this yesterday as I was driving home from work and I started to think about how old I was, I honestly forgot for a second. Here was my thought process after hearing a song that reminded me of high school... "how old was I then?" , "probably about 19", how many years ago was that?", "well if I'm 23 now..wait i'm not 23 am I?....crap I think I'm 24....no that can't be right........................... ya my birthday was last week.....damn, I'm 24 that is old". WHEN the years start blending together you know you are getting old. Makes me a little sad.
2. Summer is almost here and i can't wait to spend the weekend either at singing beach with a bunch of dudes or up at Robbie's lake house with a bunch of dudes.
2a. I'm glad I have a girlfriend cause otherwise I hang out with mostly dudes.
3. Juggling 2 jobs is hard. Spending the extra money is easy. I blew an easy $40 last night at the pickled onion and for the most part only bought $2 beers. Part of that money may have been supporting my new unemployed friend.
3 1/2. Ever notice that you will spend pretty much all the money that you have in your wallet when you go to the bar? How does this happen? I mean you can bring $20 or you can bring $40, and you can probably have the same amount of fun, but for some reason you always bring more and you always spend it all. Well not usually ALL, you typically wake up the next morning and as you are lying in bed you think, "did I really spend all my money at the bar last night?" You then get up to check your wallet, and you find a couple crinkled up ones. "I'm such an idiot"..... Everytime baby....every stickin time.
4. I miss Spoon.
5. I have to move out of my house in 2 weeks and I have no place to live after that. That would make me homeless.
5.1 If I was a homeless dude and I made signs asking for money I would try to be clever so that people with money would think...this guy is witty..I'll give him some money. For example I saw a picture of a bum with a sign and it said. "Father killed by hooligans, need money for ninja lessons". Now I would give that guy at least a $1.
6. My motorcycle is awesome and riding in the summer on the northshore is sweet. The red one in the picture is the same one I have.
93. That couple in the background of the picture is Paul and Kristin before they were married. Can you just imagine what Paul is whispering to her?!?!?!?!
Have a great weekend everyone!