Because someone had already taken ThinkTank.
Thursday, March 30, 2006

My boy Lebron and co just clinched. First time the cavs are post season bound since 98. They are hitting on all cylinders. They rolled up Dirk and Dallas last night. I'm thinking they could go deep into the playoffs here. Plus Lebron looks dapper in this pic with Jennie Finch. Good time to be a cavs fan.
Baseball and Competitive Balance
For all those Red Sox/Yankee haters that think that it is unfair that there is no salary cap in baseball. Here is a great article from Espn comparing the balance between the NFL, MLB, and NBA. They didn't look at the NHL because quite frankly everyone knows that this League is a joke and the Bruins are the worst team of them all (note I'm a very bitter FORMER bruins fan). Also in MLB news the Indians continue to lock up very young somewhat unproven talent with the unprecedented large contract given to Sizemore. I think this is a great move to lock up their young starts before larger market teams try to snap them up. Downside is that these young stars might not turn into All Stars. Anyways as the MLB season is about to kick off and Spring is getting into full swing, take a read at this article. You'll enjoy at least half of it.
Story here
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006

So I'm taking the train home this evening and reading the boston herald to kill some time on my commute home. After I finished browsing through the pape, one story caught my eye. It was story of a green beret that had been inserted into afghinstan 1 month after 9/11. He was 32 and had lost his life fighting for us, and was one of the first casualties in this current war we wage. His hometown in NH had dedicated a bikeway to him and recently some "punks" had defaced this memorial with graffitti. This story disturbed me as I pondered the disrepect of a fallen soldier. A number of high school kids behind me must of read the same story because they started poking fun at this soldier and his mourning family. I legitmately felt sick to my stomach as this continued. As I got up to exit the train at my stop, the man next me stood up and turned to the kids and said, "my brother had his legs blown off in vietnam and died soon after, you should becareful of what you say". As we got of the train I turned to the man, and apoligized for the behavior and told him that I was sorry for his lose. He broke into tears. Whether you support this war or not, these are our fellow brethen who are fighting it. Respect and honour them.
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hello everyone. The Blog has been quiet for a while, but it was never dead. While watching Lost (great show) last night, Chappy and I decided it was time to get TankThink up and running again. There's been alot of changes including new jobs and a long winter. Now that Spring has started we have decided to awaken the Blog once again. We hope to have another strong run as we did in the first half of 2005. So stayed tuned and check us out daily. We hope to get at least one quality posting a day. Not quite sure what quality will entail though.