Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Death by Ipod

As I was walking through Boston to a client today, there was a girl in front of me listening to her Ipod. Now you see this all the time in the city. Everyone is plugged in, regardless of if they are on the train, bus, or walking. And every one of these people is completely oblivious to their surroundings. Back to my story, token girl with token Ipod proceeds to walk directly into a 5 inch curb and completely yard sale. Her purse explodes, Ipod goes flying, and she tears her nylons. Hello?!?! Mcfly?!?!?

Now I have an Ipod and I listen to it when I’m at the gym. But when you’re navigating the busy streets of Boston, and there is a lot of things going on around you like traffic and other people, shouldn’t we be aware of our surroundings?

Friday, April 21, 2006


Ding Dong
Whose there?
It's Paul, I am back.


All is good in the midwestern Mass town of Grafton. I have many things to talk about. 1. We discussed last night why you cannot take the gas nossle out of the gas tank without getting gas on the car. No matter how long you shake it there is undoubtedly gas to be spilled. Then we got to discussing shaking that other nozzle us men have and how it is also difficult to not spill after the fact. 2. Now that most of us are either 25 or fast approaching this great age we are all questioning where we are at this point in our lives. Some are buying houses some are working towards better careers some are even pondering more schooling.....then there is the great Nate Schloss and Mike Brown. Question---will they ever return from there fantasy life in Hawaii. Finally 3. I love the Yankees. and I am so glad this horrible post of mine will bump Hayes's Uconn post of the top.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

County Way

Moving in May 15. This is our castle. I will be holding lessons on the bball court all summer.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Happy 25th Pete!

Well Pete turns 25 tomorrow, April 19th. We'll have to do something fun for him this weekend. And by fun, I mean anything that requires the wearing of a wristband. And since we know that Pete will wear a wristband pretty much anywhere, I think that the sky is the limit regarding our options for the weekend (Note that there is a nasty old wristband under that dress shirt in that picture, trust me I work with him).

On a related note, 25 is fast approaching for myself. This is bad news. Why? Because even though I don't feel old, the more I think about that damned number (25) the more I start to think that I'm getting old. Where the hell did the last 25 years go? Am I somehow behind in life at this point, or am I right where I'm supposed to be? Should I start consciously acting different now, or should I trust that subconsciously my natural maturation is on a pretty good path? Am I going to blink my eyes and be 50? I guess the ulimate question is ... Should I be planning a quarter-life crisis for myself, even though I don't think I need one?

While I'm not a mental wreck as my post above conveys, some legit age questions do creep into my mind now and then.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Now that the Tankthink is back in full swing, I was thinking to myself... something is missing. Then I remembered, our one true disciple, Jay Jordan, has disappeared. Until he comes back, things just won't be right.


Usually tax season is a time for refunds, a time for spending, a time for malls. But not this year. For some strange reason I owe the gov't $340... after having full taxes taken out all year. I know it can't be right, but what can I, Peter Chapman, do about it? I'm just one man.

Add onto the federal tax a state vehicle excise tax of $285 and you have one overtaxed individual.

Now my excise tax was so expensive because I have a new car, while one of my roomates has a '90 explorer and has an excise tax of $10. Makes no freaking sense. While his car drips oil all over the streets and wakes neighbors up mine will be cruising along treating the roads nicely and zoom zooming around.

Damn taxes!

Monday, April 10, 2006

New Look

Its a new era for the Tankthink. The old minima black look was depressing me so I decided to spice things up a bit. It was between this template and the pink on purple template. Not sure if I made the right decision.....

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Pitts

Just finished watching Legends of the Fall with Jimmy and Neff. We came to the conclusion that if Brad Pitt were to have a brother that the brother would be the most unlucky man on the face of the planet. Think about it, Brad's bro brings a chick home to meet the family, and bam, she sees Brad and its all over. Its similar to how my brothers felt when introducing girlfriends to me.

So I did a little investigating (bradpittfan.com) and found out that Brad does indeed have a brother, Doug Pitt.

So here's to Doug Pitt, the world's unluckiest chap.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Missing Person

Has anyone seen one of our long lost editors?Any clues to his wherebouts will be rewarded with a single beer. Yup, just one. But really this is pretty important. Pete fears he may have moved to Asia. Any help is appreciated!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sam Summer ... Is Here

Enjoyed a few of these fine brews with dinner last night. Nice to see this beer out so early. It was delicious I might add.

Brewed with mysterious grains of paradise.

Samuel Adams® Summer Ale is an American wheat ale. This summer seasonal uses malted wheat as well as lemon zest and grains of paradise, a rare pepper from Africa first used as a brewing spice in the 13th Century to create a crisp and spicy flavor and body. The ale fermentation imparts a background tropical fruit note reminiscent of mangos and peaches. All of these come together to create a quenching, clean finishing beer perfect for those warm Summer days.